Afterschool Charisma Wiki

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Afterschool Charisma[]

(放課後のカリスマ Hokago no Charisma) St. Kleio Academy is a very exclusive school- the students are clones of famous historical figures such as Queen Elizabeth I, Napoleon, Mozart, Hitler, Florence Nightingale, and Freud. All of them, that is, except for Shiro Kamiya. As Shiro struggles to adapt to this unusual campus, St. Kleio’s first graduate, a clone of John F. Kennedy, is killed. Are the clones doomed to repeat the fate of their genetic progenitors, or can they create their own destinies? And how does a normal boy like Shiro fit in?


List of Characters[]

Find the characters you are interested in at our list!

Clone Generation List[]

Although St. Kleio has only created 4 generations of clones, it can get very confusing trying to figure out which clones belong to which generation, where the clones are now, and so on. So here are the lists of the generations with short and to the point descriptions of the characters of those generations, the events and fates they experienced, and the advancements St. Kleio has been made since then, along with some trivia.

(Prototypes) 1st Clone Generation
(The Terrorists) 2nd Clone Generation
(Our Main Characters) 3rd Clone Generation
(Toddler Clones) 4th Clone Generation

St. Kleio[]

St. Kleio is both an academy and a foundation, where clones are created from famous historical luminaries. But what is St. Kleio about? What are St. Kleio priorities? Learn some more about the organization where your favorite characters were born!

Clone Theories[]

What are clones? Are they reincarnations? Do they have destinies? Are they superior to humans? Inferior to humans? Everyone in the Afterschool Charisma universe has their own opinion. You are entitled to your own as well.


We all love Afterschool Charisma, but the cost of a rich plot means it can be complicated at times!

Volumes and Chapters[]

Information about the books

Image Galleries[]

Check out our photos of your favorite characters


i dunno what this is for but they gave us a page for it so uh.. i'll figure it out later

Afterschool Charisma[]

ditto to this as well, but I'll find a way to make it useful. Somebody has already helpfully filled most of it out- so

Kumiko Suekane[]

Find out more about Afterschool Charisma's beloved writer and illustrator.


nothing new

Volume 10 Cover

Latest activity[]
